If you have been following me for a while, you know that I am big on make-ahead breakfasts. I am often rushing around for work in the morning and so is my other half; anything that helps us out the door in an orderly fashion is much appreciated! Okay, these are pretty much a frittata, but there’s just something really fun, cute and SO easy about making these single-serve versions…it feels like even less effort, somehow. The ingredients I have listed below are just a suggested filling combo (and a delicious one, at that!) but definitely just throw in whatever leftovers you need to use up in your fridge; these are the ideal vehicle for “up-cycling” those leftovers. The bacon can be subbed for any other protein e.g. cheese, salmon, ham, leftover roast chicken…or just omit entirely. One final tip – use big ramekins, as these puff up a lot while they bake! Don’t fill them more than 3/4 full (less than that is better, aim for somewhere between 1/2 to 2/3).

Bake Ahead Breakfast Egg Pots
- 2/3 - 1 cup cooked rice, quinoa, or buckwheat
- 2 tbsp almond milk (or milk of choice)
- 4 eggs
- 1 small tomato
- 1 cup baby spinach or rocket, firmly packed
- 2 rashers bacon (optional)
- 2 tsp coconut oil or other fat
- Salt & pepper to taste
- Preheat oven to 160 C. Take two large ramekins and grease with the coconut oil/fat you have chosen.
- Dice the tomato and the bacon rashers, and shred the spinach leaves into smaller pieces. Mix it all with the rice. In another bowl, whisk the eggs and milk together until smooth, and season with salt & pepper.
- Divide the rice/bacon/tomato/spinach mixture in half, and pop into the ramekins. Pour over the egg mixture evenly between the two ramekins, and let it settle in between the mixture (you can give it a bit of a press with the back of a spoon to help it sink in).
- Bake for approximately 35-40 minutes, or until the centre feels firm to touch and is cooked through. The pots will puff up a lot while you are baking but settle down a little as they cool (bake them with a tray underneath to catch any overflowing egg and avoid a messy oven!).
- Serve immediately or...Allow the egg pots to cool to room temperature and then cover with foil or cling-film and pop them in the fridge, if you're not eating them right away. They will last 4-5 days in the fridge. Simply reheat them in a warm oven or pop in the microwave to have them hot later.
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