Meet the new additions to our family, Leo and Max. My twin boys arrived in January 2019 and joined us at home just a few days ago!

You may have noticed (or not!) that I completely stopped blogging and dropped off social media around mid-December 2018. At the time, though I had never mentioned this huge life change on the blog or on social media before, I had actually just entered my third trimester of a twin pregnancy.
While I was blessed by a relatively easy pregnancy in the early stages, at 24 weeks a complication was picked up that worsened in December when I hit 27 weeks. I spent almost a month in bed in hospital. I lost all interest in blogging, fearing I would lose my babies.
On 9th January 2019, at 4:09pm and 4:13pm respectively, I gave birth to my twin boys, Leo and Max.
Arriving almost 9 weeks early (at 31 weeks and 2 days gestation to be exact), my tiny babies joined us, even though I tried my hardest to keep them baking as long as possible. I won’t share my whole birth story just yet, but I will, one day, and explain why I had difficulty maintaining the pregnancy.

The last few months of my life have been some of the toughest I have ever experienced. There has been anxiety, grief and sadness on a previously unknown scale. But there has also been the deepest amazement, joy and profound love, because I have two little sons to hold. Two sons. Two perfect boys. I can’t explain the love I feel. It took me so long to fall pregnant (more on that another time, as well) and I know that there are many beautiful women in this world who long to be pregnant too.
My little boys spent six weeks and one day in the hospital – first in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and then they were moved to special care nursery (SCN), which is where babies go once they’re a bit more stable after intensive care. Leo and Max just came home with us a few days ago, at a corrected age of 37 weeks and 3 days gestation.
I’m not quite ready to start blogging new things again, as we adjust to having our little babies at home, but I’m ready to share my news and maybe post the occasional thing on social media. If you’d like to follow along you can find me on Instagram as @nourish_everyday, or search for my page on Facebook by searching Facebook for the page @nourisheveryday.
Huge congratulations Monique on your double bundle of joy! They look adorable! I’ve been using your blog for almost a year now and love your recipes. I make the buckwheat bread loaf almost weekly. It’s been great to have recipes that suit my gut issues and food intolerances. Thank you for creating your blog. I’d also like to know more about your pregnancy journey and challenges if and when you’re ready to share your story. Enjoy the wonderful (albeit hectic) entry into motherhood with your beautiful boys! 🙂
Dear Hazel, thank you so much for this lovely comment on my post. The start of this year has been so intense, but the reward of having my two little boys is worth all of the difficulty that we have endured. I am so happy to hear you are enjoying my blog; it gives me the motivation to get started on blogging again after an extended hiatus! I will definitely be writing more about my pregnancy journey on here so stay tuned. 🙂
I have just discovered your blog and have looked at some of the recipes and they look fantastic. I am eager to try the bread as well.
I work for a pediatrician and we have premature babies in our practice. They are doing well and I so hope that your lovely boys will as well. They do look so beautiful. All the very best to your new family. Congratulations!!!
I will pursue your old blogs for wonderful recipes.
Many blessings!
Thank you so much for this sweet message, I really appreciate it. Working for a paediatrician I am sure you get to see so many cute babies everyday including many prems! They are fighters, aren’t they. I know my boys are too. Thank you again and hope you enjoy my blog!